I think I might be bisexual

by A teenager

Don't follow the crowd - Exodus 23:2

Don't follow the crowd - Exodus 23:2

Hi, I'm 15 and have recently come to terms with my sexuality. I think I am bisexual. I told my best friend and she is doing all she can to convince me that I'm going to hell if I don't repent. How can I show her that it's not a decision I made but that I'm exactly who God created me to be?

Thanks for writing to us. There are many teens who struggle with sexuality issues so you are not alone. We live in an overly sexualized society. Teenagers are bombarded with sex in movies, on TV, in video games, in what passes for music these days on iTunes and Spotify, on WeChat, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, in text messages and sexting. All of that creates a fake world in which the real you gets lost.

I encourage you not to follow the crowd, not to be a people pleaser. Instead, allow yourself to enjoy your teen years as an individual. Do.Not. spend a lot of time worrying about your sexuality right now. Fifteen is too young to focus on sex or to decide that you are bisexual or gay or lesbian. If it's an issue with you, then of course deal with it but try hard to not allow that to be your main focus.

You are much more than gay lesbian, bisexual or straight. There is so much more to life than that. Read books, write poems and short stories, pray, go to church, learn, grow, study, enjoy being a kid.

Learn about Jesus and how to be saved. Do.Not.Follow.The.Crowd. Do something a lot of teens never do. Read the Bible and develop Biblical spirituality. Learn some basic Bible doctrine. Pursue your artistic inclination and scholastics and sports. Make as many friends as you can by being a faithful trustworthy friend.

Learn to work on your bike and your car. It's cool to know how to do things yourself. Ask your grandpa to teach you wood-working. Learn to make birdhouses. Enroll in an interesting summer course at your local College. Get a job doing something you enjoy or better yet, start your own business. Write a play and your autobiography or write a biography of your Grandma's life.

Refuse to follow the crowd. Don't be a Lady Gaga or Rihanna zombie. Develop your own rhythm of life. Learn to march to the beat of a different drummer. Develop the ability to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16) and to live for Jesus even if the other kids do not. The sheeple-crowd treats sex and sometimes sexual orientation, as if it's the most important thing on earth. It.Is.Not.

The most important thing on earth is knowing for sure you are saved, knowing you have a personal saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing those things and loving Jesus will save you from a lot of grief and heartache.

Be an individual. Be yourself. God didn't make you an automaton so don't constantly follow the crowd. You are not a sheep so stop acting like the sheeple. Develop enough inner strength to do things God's way and blaze your own trail. Think things through before you make decisions. Don't be caught up in the fierce urgency of now because the F.U.O.N. is what creates mobs full of idiots and you don't have to be an idiot.

As to what your friend said, it is wise to make sure you are saved. So please, make sure you are saved by trusting Jesus in your heart. Don't guess on this one - click the link and read the page until you understand it, then ask Jesus to save you and then read the links at the bottom of that page.

The information on this website is designed to answer the objections of people who think we can't be gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgender and still be Christian. God bless you and please keep reading and studying and being the unique individual God created you to be. As you grow spiritually and learn to walk with Jesus day by day, you may want to copy and paste and print this out and keep it where you can read it each week because it's important. And always remember - Do.Not.Follow.The.Crowd.

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This page updated May 29, 2014

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