Since gay couples cannot legally marry, is sex in a committed relationship sin?
Rick Brentlinger Answers -
No, two people of the same sex in committed relationship are not committing sin when they have sex with each other. Some Christians constantly accuse gays and lesbians of immorality for having sex in a committed relationship, which the accusing Christians do not recognize as Godly.
These Christians, some of whom are probably well-meaning but most of whom would benefit by learning to think for themselves, miss the boat in many areas.
They think they are smarter than God who tells us in scripture:
"Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. " -1 Corinthians 7:2
The scriptural principle is that God created us sexual beings. Knowing that He designed us with a sex drive, God encourages us to have a partner to whom we are committed. This provides us with an outlet for the sex drive God created and helps us avoid the spiritual chaos which results from recreational sex outside a committed relationship like marriage.
Modern anti-gay Christians want to compel gays and lesbians to live lonely, loveless, sexless lives or compel us to live by their opinions and marry an opposite sex partner for whom we feel no emotional, physical or spiritual attraction.
Facts About Biblical Marriage
- Marriage in the Bible is NEVER a civil or religious ceremony.
- Marriage in the Bible is entirely different from our modern concept of marriage in the twenty-first century.
- In the Old Testament people got married but no one in the Old Testament got married by a denominationally affiliated pastor in a church building. Those didn't exist in the Old Testament.
- In the Old Testament, a marriage sanctioned by God included a widow marrying her dead husband's brother, a Jewish custom called levirate marriage, Deuteronomy 25:5-10.
Modern anti-gay Christians who accuse gays of immorality absolutely REFUSE to obey the Bible concerning levirate marriage. Isn't that interesting?
- Biblical marriages which God blessed in the Bible included killing warriors and their wives, of an enemy nation and then capturing and marrying their virgin daughters.
Modern anti-gay Christians don't do that as far as I am aware yet honesty compels us to acknowledge that this type of marriage represented Biblical family values in the Old Testament.
- Biblical marriages which God blessed in the Bible included men marrying multiple wives, sometimes as many as 14 in the case of King Abijah, 2 Chronicles 13:21 and 700 wives in the case of King Solomon, 1 Kings 11:1-5.
- Honesty also compels us to admit that a gay man partnering with another gay man for life is pretty tame compared to Biblical marriages like the ones we've mentioned.
- The Bible tells about marriages which seem weird and off-putting to us in the twenty first century because marriage in the Bible reflected the cultural values and mores of the ancient near east.
The Bible is an honest book and doesn't try to sugarcoat anything or hide the fleshly flaws of its heroic characters.
- The fact is, every honest Christian acknowledges that the Bible reflects the beliefs and cultural values of the times in which it was written.
- Every honest Christian also acknowledges that we reject some types of marriage which were sanctified and blessed in the Bible because some of those Biblical marriage models are abhorrent to modern culture.
- Since Biblical marriage models reflected the cultural values of that far away time, and since God blessed those marriages (which we reject today), is the modern church willing to follow the Biblical example?
- Since some Biblical marriage models are not valid today and since God's followers in the Bible embraced the marriage models their ancient culture embraced, why cannot modern Christians embrace the marriage models our modern culture embraces?
- In some places, gay marriage and lesbian marriage is legal, honored, sanctified, blessed and embraced. This provides us a solid foundation to also embrace gay marriage based on Biblical examples of marriage models which were blessed in the Bible but are considered abhorrent today.
- In the Bible, a marriage is when flesh joins flesh, Genesis 2:24.
- Marriage, whether same sex or opposite sex, provides many blessings which ought to be legally available to gays and lesbians.
- Gay marriage honors the spirit of marriage in the Bible, honors the goal of avoiding fornication and upholds the Biblical example of accepting the cultural situation in which we find ourselves.
Additional information
about gay marriage
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"If a gay couple are unable to get legally married in their state of residence, how do we get around the "sex before marriage" sin?"