Are Christians allowed to go against what the Old Testament says including worship of false gods and committing murder?
by Howard
(Hampton VA)
Rick Brentlinger Answers
For 2000 years,
consistent Christian teaching is that we are not under the Old Testament Law.
Yet Christians have also consistently taught that adultery, idolatry, lying, murder and stealing are wrong.
It works like this. The Old Testament Law contains universal moral principles which are always in effect. These universal moral principles are embodied in nine of the Ten Commandments.
The sabbath commandment is not a universal moral principle since Christians in the New Testament
are never told they must keep the sabbath.Yet the New Testament does warn us against
murder in Matthew 19:18, Romans 13:9 and 1 John 3:15 and against
idolatry in Acts 17:23-31, Romans 1:23, 1 Thessalonians 1:9 and 1 Corinthians 10:7.
Always remember what the Bible says -
we are not under the Law.Jesus is
God's solution for the problem of evil in the world.
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