Why does the prison population have a higher percentage of homosexuals?
by Thomas
(San Francisco)
Alcatraz Prison - now a National Park
Rick Brentlinger Answers -
That's a good question.
Jump to Thomas' original question. The short answer is that engaging in homosexual acts doesn't mean someone has an innate homosexual orientation. In general, the situation in prison is that most prisoners do not have opportunity to have sex with an opposite sex partner.
For that reason, some prisoners engage in sex with same sex partners, without being homosexual and without self-identifying as homosexual.
Here's what Dr. James Dobson and
Focus on the Family said about homosexual orientation.
"We do not believe anyone chooses his or her same-sex attractions. We concur with the American Psychological Association’s position (www.apa.org) that homosexuality is likely developmental in nature and caused by a 'complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors.'"
-from the Love Won Out website. Love Won Out was part of Dr. James Dobson’s Focus On The Family and is now part of Exodus International.
Are homosexuals more prone to evil or are these people choosing that lifestyle while incarcerated?
No, homosexuals are not more prone to evil than other groups. Homosexuals are normal people. You see them and interact with them every day but you are often unaware of that fact because we are so normal.
Yes, many men in prison choose to engage in homosexual activity while incarcerated, as an outlet for sexual energy. I've seen percentages quoted of from 20% to 40% but I'm not sure how accurate those percentages are.
How do you know if you're homosexual?How do I answer verses which seem to condemn gays?105 questions answered from our ask a question page.Thomas' Original Question:
If homosexuality is biological instead of a choice for the pleasures of this world, why does the incarcerated population have a drastically higher percent of homosexuals? Are homosexuals more prone to evil or are these people choosing that lifestyle while incarcerated?