The Good Shepherd

by Rick Brentlinger
(Pace, FL, USA)

Jesus the Good Shepherd<br>3rd century catacomb painting

Jesus the Good Shepherd
3rd century catacomb painting

I rushed along life’s twisting path,
Feet wounded sore and torn;
The rocks were sharp, the defile steep,
My soul, lost and forlorn.

I cried out for the Shepherd,
To help me in my plight;
To rescue me from sin’s dread snare,
To save me by His might.

He on the mountain sought me,
The wanderer gone astray;
And in compassion brought me
Back safe into His way.

The thorns had torn His hands and feet,
His brow was wounded sore;
Yet all the while He carried me,
His lamb so weak and poor.

His thought was only for my care,
His strength on me was spent;
As if I was the only lamb
And He for me was sent.

I took Him at His word that day,
He drew me to His side;
And now through all life’s twisting way
He is my faithful Guide.

Photo is from the Catacombs of San Callisto, which date to the mid-second century AD. These catacombs cover more than 90 acres on four levels with more than 12 miles of tunnels under modern Rome.

Early Christians knew Jesus as their Good Shepherd, Gospel of John chapter 10, in the midst of fierce persecution. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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