Rick's Hymn - Come All Sinners

by Rick Brentlinger
(Pace, FL, USA)

Come all sinners, sad and wandering,
Lost in sin and woe untold;
Can you hear the Shepherd pleading?
Find your rest within my fold.

Drawn by love and wondrous mercy,
Driven by fear of wrath outpoured;
Humbled now I turn to Jesus,
Savior by all heaven adored.

Now I see the streams of mercy,
Flowing from your wounded side;
Flee to Christ and trust no other,
Saved, I now in you abide.

When the storms of doubt assail me,
Fears beset on every side;
Bid me look to Calvary's mountain,
At the Lamb they crucified.

Feasting now on heavenly manna,
Drinking from the fount above;
God shall bless and guide and keep me,
Resting in redeeming love.

When the trumpet sounds in heaven,
All the ransomed ones shall rise;
Ever more with our Lord Jesus,
Blessed home beyond the skies.

I wrote this hymn to be sung to
the old Welsh tune Hyfrydol, aka,
Jesus I My Cross Have Taken.

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This page edited on January 8, 2017

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