Do you have any advice for a bisexual in Nebraska?
(Nebraska, USA)
keeps you headed in the right direction
We invite our readers to offer kind-hearted comments and advice to encourage this bisexual reader from Nebraska. Post comments here.
"I did not grow up in a Christian home. And yet, I grew up in the church. My mom, dad, and sister are not Christian, but my parents sent my sister and I to daycare in the church. Weird, right?
In sixth grade, my best friends almost forced me to go to church. That's an example of good peer pressure. In seventh grade, I accepted Christ as my Savior and have tried to live for him ever since. But in a non-Christian home, this is terribly difficult.
So I rely on my friends for my spiritual support and for help with my spiritual development. Stressful. On top of all this, I am bisexual. Yikes! My friends do not know this, nor my family, and if they did... Let's just say my friends haven't seen this website, and are very adamant that gay people who are Christians do not exist.
And if someone tells you they're gay and Christian, they're lying about something. Yikes again! Just a month ago, one of my friends told me his cousin decided she was lesbian, and he is sorry he won't see her in Heaven - he should've done something to save her. I try to tell my friends about my views on LGBT matters, but if I keep it up too much they get creeped out.
On top of that everywhere there are debates and discussions backing my friends up. Of course, they don't know that there's even a problem. It's a tough situation. Don't know if that was a coming out story but it sure is a way to get some things off my chest."
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