Do you have any advice for a bisexual in Nebraska?

(Nebraska, USA)

keeps you headed in the right direction

keeps you headed in the right direction

We invite our readers to offer kind-hearted comments and advice to encourage this bisexual reader from Nebraska. Post comments here.

"I did not grow up in a Christian home. And yet, I grew up in the church. My mom, dad, and sister are not Christian, but my parents sent my sister and I to daycare in the church. Weird, right?

In sixth grade, my best friends almost forced me to go to church. That's an example of good peer pressure. In seventh grade, I accepted Christ as my Savior and have tried to live for him ever since. But in a non-Christian home, this is terribly difficult.

So I rely on my friends for my spiritual support and for help with my spiritual development. Stressful. On top of all this, I am bisexual. Yikes! My friends do not know this, nor my family, and if they did... Let's just say my friends haven't seen this website, and are very adamant that gay people who are Christians do not exist.

And if someone tells you they're gay and Christian, they're lying about something. Yikes again! Just a month ago, one of my friends told me his cousin decided she was lesbian, and he is sorry he won't see her in Heaven - he should've done something to save her. I try to tell my friends about my views on LGBT matters, but if I keep it up too much they get creeped out.

On top of that everywhere there are debates and discussions backing my friends up. Of course, they don't know that there's even a problem. It's a tough situation. Don't know if that was a coming out story but it sure is a way to get some things off my chest."

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Comments for Do you have any advice for a bisexual in Nebraska?

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Jan 03, 2011
there are gay christians
by: Rene'

Resolving being gay/bi and being christian is just another part of the coming out process. It is also a part of deepening your relationship with God and your growth as a Christian. Unfortunately, it also involves confronting the ignorance of those "christians" who are making these statements.

I have Christian friends who accept me and don't see me as less than and then I have my Christian mother who does see me less than. I know now that God doesn't and others don't and if there are those who do, then it is ok. The important ones don't. That is what matters.

Feb 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

im in the same situation as you :(

May 07, 2012
same here
by: Anonymous

i think im bisexual too. i feel convicted sometimes but i know im a good person.

Rick's comment: Thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll take the Good Person test. It's a short but cool Bible study that explains why good people can't go to heaven. After you take the test, please let us know what you think. Many thanks!

Jul 16, 2012
Dear bisexual
by: rev.dan

Being bisexual only means you can choose either way. Most generally it will be toward the stronger attraction you find yourself gravitating to the most once you clear out the noise.

Noise equals external pressures such as peer groups, family and societal pressures etc, that creates more confusion than direction. Just remember to connect with the person God created you to be so as to bear witness in truth of whom God created.

Then you will bear truth in witness of God as well. This may be quite a journey of faith for you as we all are on a faith journey but God loves you as well as any other person. Rev. Dan

Aug 14, 2012
Take Your Time, Don't Be In A Hurry
by: Terry

Many gay people think that bi-sexuals do not exist - only people who do not fully accept that they are gay. This is wrong; there are bi-sexuals. However, as someone previously stated, most people are more attracted to one gender than the other. Initially though, many gay people self-identify as bi-sexual because that seems less scary and socially dangerous than being gay. There is enormous pressure to please family, friends and other Christians by choosing to live as a heterosexual. It is important to relax and know that God really does love and accept you, and to give yourself time to really discover which gender has the greater sexual and spiritual attraction for you. Avoid sex, as it is sinful outside of a committed relationship, and all sin comes with hidden self-damage (guilt, confusion, hurting others ...). Wait; Pray; Have faith.

It is good, when you are ready and have both gay and straight Christian friends, to come out as bi-sexual and undecided as to which gender you will ultimately find the stronger spiritual and sexual connection. Never develop a relationship with a person of the opposite sex if there is little sexual attraction - it is using another human being to achieve acceptance socially and among heterosexual Christians; and you run the danger of marrying and not being able to be faithful. Have the courage and trust in God to choose a mate that you can spend a lifetime loving.

Sep 02, 2012
advice for bi-sexual coment on Terrys writing
by: Anonymous

A very good write up and explanation "terry" - Job well done! Well ballanced and good insight. rev. dan

Aug 05, 2013
Me too
by: Anonymous

You are not alone in being bisexual and a Christian. I struggle with this on a daily basis. I married a man, we have a beautiful daughter together, but rarely were intimate, and obviously I am in the process of divorce.

My pastor is one whom is "attracted to the same sex but since (he believes) it is a sin, chose to stay with his wife and children". He is against gay marriage, as with everybody I know in my church. Don't get me wrong, I love my church.

I want to be with a woman but fear anyone finding out. I don't have any advice for you, but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.

Jan 28, 2015
I can easily relate to this one.
by: Tony

Your question is a good one and some responses aren't bad, if not most. My advice would be follow your heart in regards to love, the gender shouldn't matter, plus the labeling is ridiculous. Don't let anyone try to read your heart or label you either, know what your heart is saying and don't limit yourself between one gender over the other, and don't be secretive either, with your bf/ gf, the results can be very hurtful emotionally and possibly in other ways. Hope that helps.

Take care for now, and God bless, T. B.

Sep 17, 2015
You are not alone
by: Sunny

I just want to start by saying thank you. I've been struggling a lot in my spiritual life for a long time for a multitude of reasons. The main one being my sexuality. I'm Nebraska born and bred (also bi-sexual, but raised in an extremely christian -very loving and accepting mind you even though only 1 of my sister's is aware of my sexuality-household) and your post just pulled me back from a very hard edge.

It never ceases to amaze me how and who God works through; the simplest things can mean the world to a stranger. Like your story just did for me. I'm so grateful to have finally found a positive and encouraging faith based community like this for support. I'm new to this site but I can't wait to see how God uses this community to bring me closer to Him and help me find the love, courage and acceptance I need to live for HIM.

Rick's comment: Welcome Sunny - I hope our many free Bible study resources provide blessing and encouragement as you walk the path of God's purpose for your life.

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