
by Rick Brentlinger
(Pace, FL, USA)

Autumn in Yellowstone National Park

Autumn in Yellowstone National Park

The frosty sparkle of autumn morn,
A wheat field of its beauty shorn;
The golden moon through a cloudy haze,
These are the pleasures of harvest days.

A hint in the air of coming snow,
The migrating geese now winging low;
The bark and crack of the hunter’s gun,
All signal the end of summer fun.

And the maples flame with a crown of joy
While songbirds their grateful tongues employ;
As God paints a landscape with colors rare,
His love of beauty, with us to share.

The barn is so fragrant, all loaded with hay,
My pantry shelves, sagging, their bounty display;
Now for a brief moment, I must get apart-
And give thanks to God from a grateful heart.

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