My parents were torn between celebrating my uniqueness and trying to force me to turn out like my older brothers and sister. This dilemma was fueled by the sister, the oldest, whose gift is keeping track of rules and impeccably measuring up to expectations herself. She is a modern-day Pharisee who assisted my parents by preserving order at the cost of forfeiting Christ's Spirit.
Similar order has been maintained for generations by suppressing sexuality. Homosexuality is common on both sides of my family but, to this day, is never mentioned. Even my cousin and I have never officially come out to each other. I see him this week. I intend to change that.
I have come out to co-workers, dear friends, and I am coming out here! I am a gay believer in Jesus Christ! I believe he fully affirms me including my sexuality. I believe my God-given uniqueness is integral with being gay. I'm grateful for my sexuality and seek to bless others by coming out more!
At this time I may not be able to reconcile with my family of origin but I am a member of the body of Christ. With him I always have a home.
Comments for Assembly-line Child