This is the spiritual armor everyone needs.

by Ken H.
(Houston, Texas)

Gay Christian 101 should be required reading for all gay Christians. Frankly, it would be nice if our detractors read it, though that is unlikely to happen since they usually resist exposing their bigotry cloaked in religion.

This book does provide a thorough rebuttal of the 7 "clobber" verses (as per Bernard Schlager) that have been used to bludgeon Gay Christians out of the Church. In fact, it is as thorough an exegetical exercise as almost any I have read in three years at a major seminary in the southwest.

Gay historian John Boswell once called himself a "weapons maker... trying to produce knowledge that people can then use in social struggles."

Likewise, this book provides the Biblical armor that Gay Christians can use to defend themselves from the bigotry they encounter in many fundamentalist congregations. To that end, it is my suggestion that Rick Brentlinger create a complete index so the book can be used more effectively as a reference, since that is surely how it will be used.

This work stands on its own with ample reference supporting the discussion. While I might not exactly agree with the author on the authorship of the Pentateuch or the idea of plenary intention, I thoroughly recommend this book.

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