How can I know for sure I am saved?

Rick Brentlinger Answers -

Knowing for sure that we are saved depends on what we're trusting for salvation. If we're trusting a church or our church membership or our water baptism or some kind of spiritual gift like speaking in tongues or the fact that we do good works or the fact that we try to be a good person, we have absolutely no reason to believe that we are saved.

Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in the finished work of Christ on the cross alone. This is where many people get messed up. They talk about grace but then they try to add in their own good works.

Getting saved is not about adding human works into the salvation equation. That would be like buying an expensive painting and then glopping more paint on the canvas. Its an insult to the artist to do that and its an insult to God to think that adding in our good works can help us get saved or stay saved.

In Whom are you trusting?

1. Getting saved depends on Whom you are trusting. Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven. If you're trusting anyone or anything besides Jesus, you'll never have assurance of salvation in your heart.
  1. Joining a church can never save you
  2. Getting baptized can never save you
  3. Getting confirmed can never save you
  4. Doing good works can never save you
  5. Living a good life can never save you
  6. Cleaning up your life can never save you
  7. Practicing spirituality can never save you
  8. Being kind-hearted can never save you
  9. Living the Golden Rule can never save you
  10. Quitting all your sins can never save you

2. Getting saved depends on God's grace, not your good works.

3. Getting saved depends on God's power to keep you, not your power to keep yourself.

4. Getting saved depends on the witness of God's Holy Spirit in your heart, testifying that you are a child of God.

5. Getting saved depends on what you're trusting. Saving faith comes from believing the written words of God in the Bible and trusting Jesus alone.

These Links provide
additional information

What is repentance in the Bible?

Can you explain how to be saved?

Once I'm saved do I have eternal security?

Comments for How can I know for sure I am saved?

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Jul 21, 2013
by: sar

i couldnt have said it any better !!!!!!!
sadly, the majority of christians are completely devoid of the most basic fundamental of what it means to be a christian. so embarrassing. so many thanks for this awesome read.

Rick's comment: Thanks and blessings as you tell others about Jesus and walk the path of God's purpose for your life.

Jan 15, 2018
I have one question on this
by: Jenny

I'm hoping you can help me with this. I have Asperger's on the Autism spectrum and I do tend to parrot things repeat things without knowing what I am saying. How can I make sure that my knowledge of the Gospel is not just head knowledge but has traveled to my heart? How can I know for sure that I'm not just simply repeating information like a parrot? I just need some reassurance that I am a Christian. Please pray for me about this as well. GOD bless you.

Rick's comment: Hi Jenny - Ask yourself some questions.

1. Am I trusting Jesus and His death on the cross for my sins or am I trusting myself?

2. Do I believe Jesus rose from the dead so that I can be saved?

These links provide more information to help you understand.

What must I do to be saved?

What does it mean to believe on Jesus?

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